Jannemarie de Jonge (1961) was appointed as Chief Government Advisor on the Built and Rural Environment on December 1th , 2020. As a member of the Board of Governor Advisors, she advises on spatial programmes and projects of the State involving themes such as landscape and water.

Jannemarie de Jonge is a landscape architect and partner at Wing, a consultancy that works with governments, companies and social organizations on the sustainable use and development of space. Before,she worked in various (management) positions, at municipal and provincial authorities and the Alterra research institute. She obtained her PhD under the title 'Landscape Architecture between Politics and Science' on regional design and 'design dialogue' as a form of interactive design research. Jannemarie de Jonge is also a member of the Mining Council, chair of the selection committee for the yearbook Urbanism and Landscape Architecture and board member of the EFL Foundation, that manages the legacy of architect van Eesteren.